The album AS I CAME OF AGE...
This is Miss Sarah's third album, released by Polydor UK in 1990.
I have to admit that this is an album I have listened to maybe 2 or 3 times since I bought it a while back. There are so few songs on it that I like that I tend to forget I have it. I really do enjoy Miss Sarah's version of LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING but that's about it.
The rest is just Pablum pop as I call it and not really to my liking. I even have a hard time making the penguins believe that this is a Miss Sarah album. They think I am trying to make them look silly because everyone knows they cooooo when Miss Sarah sings but they don't when this CD is played.
I think it's an album that has not aged well, unlike some others ones because the music is very late 70ies, early 80ies. Or maybe it is because this is not the type of music I have come to like from Miss Sarah.
I know I am not able to hear GOOD MORNING STARSHINE now without picturing Edina singing the song and skiing down that mountain in that ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS episode. I even started to giggle remembering it just now. Oh, and since it was also used in that THE SIMPSONS episode that parodided the X-FILES (when they think an alien has invaded Springfield but it turns out to be really Mr. Burns wandering aimlessly after his "treatment"), it's just too much for me to keep a straight face. I know it is a very popular song from a very famous Broadway show and movie that has defined the Seventies, but still. Me guffaws.
The penguins laugh too when they hear that song because they do like that ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS episode too. I think it's because there is a dolphin in it who has its own pool. If I had a dollar for every time I hear them whine "how come WE don't have our own swimming pool in the bathroom like Edina's Flipper !?!??!?!?", I could probably buy Michael Bolton and Celine Dion some singing lessons and then have enough change left over to buy everyone some ear plugs.
Anyways, me is sorry me has no more nice things to say about this album. I hope Miss Sarah forgives me...
As always, just click on the red arrow beside a song title for its lyrics and a short musical clip in RealAudio format.
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behind-the-scene informationX
album creditsX
return to the albumX
As I Came Of Age track listing
The River CriedX
Something To Believe InX
As I Came Of AgeX
Take My LifeX
Some GirlsX
Brown EyesX
Love Changes EverythingX
Good Morning StarshineX
Alone Again Or...X
Bowling GreenX
It Must Be Tough... To Be That CoolXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |